LifeOS Pro Changelog
- Add floating button to quickly switch between home and large calendar
- Add task creation button on home page, support creating tasks through floating form
- Add task creation feature on large calendar, support creating tasks by clicking on time block
- Home list supports sorting by alphabet and last update date
- Try to filter empty tasks
- Add link column to bullet note list, add last update date column to other lists
- Add translation to advanced list, and add hover prompt to table header
- Fix the problem that the extra space is added when adding timestamp automatically
- Fix the problem that the timestamp is not added automatically after indenting and pressing enter
- Compatible with the problem of timestamp automatic insertion not recognizing spaces on Android
- Fix the problem that the single-click index file does not match exactly in mode
- Move the daily record title configuration to the top level
- Fix the problem that the task list in the right side of the large calendar cannot be scrolled in some cases
- Double-click the file name at the top to automatically expand the left file tree
- Optimize the automatic timestamp addition logic
- Fix the problem that the time zone of the large calendar is incorrect in some cases
- Fix the problem that the index file cannot be opened when clicking on the theme file folder in * mode
- Add TaskDueListByTime, which can implement a list of tasks due today, this week, this month, this quarter, and this year
- Add overdue task list to the right side of the large calendar
- Support single-click folder to open index file
- Support adding timestamp to bullet notes or tasks in daily record module
- Allow emoji icons in tasks to be placed directly next to dates without spaces, consistent with tasks plugin
- Home view and large calendar title localization
- Optimize mobile experience, close tooltip prompt for large calendar event links, and support long press detection for large calendar event links
- Set minimum height for large calendar events to display full text for short events
- Add maximum width to large calendar preview box to optimize display effect
- Fix the problem that the large calendar is displayed in Chinese in the English environment
- Advanced list now supports copying as a list format, including indented lists
- Added checkbox prefix for tasks in advanced list, allowing direct task status toggle by clicking
- Calendar now displays the current timeline
- Calendar cn localization is 100% complete
- Fixed end date display error in calendar event preview
- Big calendar and home view tasks support global filtering
- Advanced list supports copying to Markdown, which is convenient for sharing, even as context for feeding AI
- Advanced list supports displaying sub-bullet content, providing more theme context
- When the time block of the big calendar is small, remove padding to display more text
- Fix the problem that the local task has a loop setting in the big calendar
- Super theme feature enhancement: right-click on a PARA theme tag to quickly jump or create a theme
- Super theme feature enhancement: right-click on a PARA theme folder to move to other files, allowing notes to flow freely in PARA
- Fix the problem that the start and end date of the event preview in the big calendar are displayed incorrectly
- Fix the problem that the year is incorrectly calculated in the weekly note creation
- Fix the problem that the year is incorrectly calculated in the weekly index list
- Fix the problem that the memos user name is incorrectly obtained
- When the jump link and description do not exist, the big calendar preview will not be displayed
- Support rolling back to the previous version after update fails to allow re-updating
- Add start and end date to event preview
- Fix the problem that the event was not filtered in the big calendar
- Fix the problem that the event was not filtered in the big calendar
- Big calendar supports time zone
- Fix the problem of event overflow in the big calendar
- Fix the problem that the task was not filtered in the big calendar
- Fix the problem that the tab on the settings page is not displayed completely on mobile devices
- Fix the problem of double synchronization of preview status in the big calendar
- Big calendar preview supports more task statuses
- Big calendar description supports line breaks in time grid
- Fix the problem of hardcoding the creator parameter in usememos
- Compatible with usememos 0.23.0 api changes
- Clicking on a big calendar event closes the event operation prompt
- Fix the problem that the sidebar in the big calendar automatically closes when the window is switched from small to large
- Optimize the performance of the big calendar page, support immediate refresh feedback
- Significantly reduce unnecessary refreshes on the big calendar page, reducing page flicker
- Add multiple floating prompts on the big calendar page to improve user experience
- Refactor the page listening logic, comprehensively improving page performance
- Fix the problem of format error when marking completed for tasks with Markdown links
- Big calendar supports clearing the deadline of a task by clicking on the task details
- Big calendar display and time block range compatible with day planner and tasks plugins
- Dark mode, dim the color of calendar events
- Support any time range syntax for reading
- Fixed the problem of extra blockid prefix
- Big calendar supports displaying event time blocks, event dragging, and event duration adjustment
- Fixed the problem of event flashing in the big calendar
- Added English text for the all-day event option
- Updated the 2025 Lunar New Year holiday schedule
- Fixed the problem of displaying the lunar date incorrectly
- Added calendar option to display only all-day events
- Fixed an issue where task completion status was not displayed
- Big calendar day/week view support displaying event time blocks
- Big calendar adapts to dark mode, no longer blinding
- Added debounce to settings save to avoid frequent saves
- Big calendar supports single-click event details, viewing task details, event start time, location, repeat rule, description, etc
- Big calendar supports toggling local task status by checking
- Multiple pages, such as advanced table and big calendar, support floating preview of file content
- usememos sync supports getting link titles (can be used as a later read)
- The home view does not display remote calendar tasks, only displays local tasks
- Fixed the problem that the local task was not refreshed after being checked in the big calendar
- Fixed the problem that the sidebar in the big calendar automatically closes when the width is sufficient
- Fixed an issue where the one-click update failed
- Assign different colors to different remote calendars
- Automatically refresh remote calendars every 15 minutes
- Try to jump to remote calendar events (already supported Lark and TickTick)
- Fix the problem of date offset in remote calendars
- Strictly search for index files for theme notes when searching for theme note index files
- If there is a new version of the plug-in that can be updated, the "Activate Upgrade" tab on the Settings page will display a red dot
- Big calendar and Home view tasks are sorted by start time
- Fix the problem of duplicate events displayed in the caldav calendar
- Optimize the verification logic to make the activated device count verification more stable
- Fix the problem that the home page reports an error after subscribing to a remote calendar
- Fix the problem that the subscription to the Lark calendar cannot be displayed
- Fix the problem of occasional real-time update failure in various views
- Big calendar supports subscribing to remote calendars, supporting ics and caldav protocols
- Unified sidebar icon, making LifeOS icons to be displayed side by side
- Optimized performance, fixed multiple performance issues such as text input, real-time updates in advanced list, and real-time updates in big calendar, etc
- memos sync supports pulling cross-domain attachments
- The font of each page is consistent with the settings
- Fixed the problem of incorrect sorting of file list by date
- Fixed the problem of invalid sorting of project list by time consumption
- After supporting the theme note folder nesting, there is no need to report an error when the index file of the theme note cannot be found
- Fix the problem of jumping to the first line of the file when jumping to the file
- Theme note folders support nesting up to 5 levels of nesting
- Big calendar event list supports flat display, and supports searching using text, date etc as event attributes
- Add hover prompt for status switching in advanced list
- Fix the problem of font size in the settings page
- Advanced table supports real-time data refresh
- Upgrade page in settings supports displaying changelog
- Compatible with advanced table style issues caused by surfing plugin
- Sidebar events in the big calendar support setting as collapsed by default
- Sidebar in the big calendar supports setting as closed by default
- Advanced list supports toggling task completion status
- Search box in the advanced list supports setting as closed by default
- Split bullets from the same file into multiple lines for display
- Advanced table font size consistent with the main text
- Font in the visual creation form consistent with the file sidebar
- Project list supports sorting by time consumption
- Fix bullet list display issue in advanced list
- Project time consumption list feature refactored, using the same implementation as theme time consumption
- Prompt for duplicate registration of LifeOS Basic and PRO versions of plugins
- Add Banner section to settings page
- Compatible with minimal theme
- Big calendar and Home view support mobile devices
- Fix task filtering bug
- Advanced list supports rendering Obsidian format Markdown syntax
- Advanced list supports theme mode
- Settings page supports multiple languages
- Open periodic notes in a new note by holding ctrl/option key
- Fix project folder naming error
- Fix for closing theme mode option
- Support advanced table features
- Use textarea field to display activation code input field
- Fix year and month switching error in visual creation page
- Add prompt for closing regular version of LifeOS plugin
- Remove display of projects without corresponding project files
- By default, do not locate to visual note creation page every time entering Obsidian
- Verify minimum supported Obsidian version
- Fix errors introduced by internationalization
- Display tasks with start times
- Tags are case-insensitive, consistent with Obsidian
- Precise matching logic for periodic note files
- Settings page supports one-click plugin update
- Trim leading and trailing spaces from account and activation code